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All images, unless otherwise stated, are copyright Boris Junkovic.


You are here: Gallery Album: The Ninth


Image: King Groël - click for large image


homo sapien antecessor
Image: Reconstruction of homo sapien antecessor - click for large image
Image reproduced courtesy of Wikipedia Commons.


homo sapien antecessor
Image: Reconstruction of homo sapien antecessor - click for large image
Image reproduced courtesy of Wikipedia Commons.



The Ninth are
homo sapien antecessor

The Ninth were created by the ninth Ancestor, Volf Groul, and both his names are still commonly used by the Tribe. The current king's name is a corruption of 'Groul'.


The homelands of the Ninth lie in northern Siberia, where they roam wild wastes east of the Aral Mountains, and avoid all contact with outsiders.

The Great Ogre, who is determined to exterminate them, is their greatest fear.

They do have limited contact with the Eighth, who live in lands to the south.

Image: The Ancestors came from the stars ... Alpha Centauri - click for larger image




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Image: Alpha Proxima, a planet of the sun the Ancestors fled from - click for larger image